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Having originated from a university nanosatellite group, ICEYE has had learning at the heart of its mission since inception. We believe knowledge sharing is fundamental to humanity’s ability to adapt to the changing planet and the challenges those changes bring.

Flood Briefings
SAR Datasets
Industrial Materials
Product Documents
SAR Applications
Case studies

Flood Briefings

July 2024


Hurricane Beryl

Download ICEYE's flood briefing on the flooding from Hurricane Beryl in July 2024.

July 2024


Flooding in Midwest US

Download ICEYE's flood briefing on the flooding in the Midwest US in July 2024.

June 2024


South Florida, US Flooding

Preview ICEYE's flood extent and depth data on the South Florida, US, flooding in June 2024.

SAR Datasets

May 2023


Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, and Kilis, Turkey

The 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake dataset includes two SAR images in Strip mode from ICEYE, covering Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, and Kilis in Turkey. The images were collected on 9 and 10 Feb 2023.

April 2023


Maharashtra, India

The dataset includes one ICEYE's Scan mode image, covering an area of 20,000 sqkm along the coastline of Maharashtra, India with Mumbai city at the center. The image was acquired on 24 June 2022 during night time.

March 2023


Gulf of Bothnia

The dataset includes a pair of ICEYE's Scan mode images from the Gulf of Bothnia between the west coast of Finland and the east coast of Sweden. The two images were acquired on 25 February, 2022 and 6 March, 2022, respectively.

Industrial Materials


How to use satellite data for better decision making

Learn about satellite imaging technologies, applications, and benefits of SAR data


Transform government-led disaster response with NewSpace technology

Learn how new technology from the private sector is changing the way government agencies respond to natural disasters at the community level.


Rapid disaster response in the era of climate change

Stay on top of growing customer expectations and respond rapidly to flood events with ICEYE’s globally consistent, high-resolution datasets

Product Documents


SAR data brochure

Learn more about ICEYE SAR satellite data for persistent monitoring, and specific imaging modes.


Product documentation

The product documentation describes ICEYE SAR product specifications, image ordering process, and related support information.

SAR Applications


Case study - Dark vessels brought to light: Detecting oil trafficking from space

Discover how ICEYE SAR satellite data and Windward’s maritime AI enabled C4ADS to detect a likely ship-to-ship oil transfer under the cover of night.


Application study - Monitor any port, every day

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to get actionable intelligence on port operations, anywhere in the world.


Application study - Monitor any strategic site, all the time

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to obtain actionable insights on unusual concentration of aircraft, vehicles and equipment in any strategic site on the globe.


Webinar series

The Value of SAR

We invite you to join The Value of SAR talk series, where ICEYE experts from different disciplines will discuss SAR basics, interesting products, intriguing applications, and captivating solutions in a way that’s easy for everyone to grasp.

Webinar for insurers

See through clouds

Near real-time NATCAT monitoring and rapid disaster response with SAR

Webinar Replay

The future of disaster response

ICEYE hosts a panel of experts from Esri, Swiss Re, Dewberry, and the New Zealand government to discuss how Earth Observation technology is shaping the future of government-led disaster management.

Case studies

Case study

Satellite-driven flood insights: ICEYE & TMNF

Find out how one of Japan's leading insurance companies improved its claims management process for major flood events.

Case study

Rapid catastrophe response: Suncorp

Find out how Suncorp's game-changing partnership with Arturo and ICEYE accelerated customer support during major floods in Australia.

Case study

Delivering near real-time geospatial flood impact data to FEMA

Find out how the flood insights provided by ICEYE in collaboration with New Light Technologies and other contractors made a difference in response and recovery activities during the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.


SNAP Tutorial

Pre-processing, Georeferencing and exporting file for GIS platform from ICEYE high resolution data with the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP).


SAVOIR Tutorial

The Swath Acquisition Viewer is application that ICEYE employs for quickly identifying potential acquisition opportunities over any area of interest with the ICEYE satellites and sensor, speeding up the efforts in data ordering for your needs.
